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Tonkin Gap Project Upgrades

Bayswater, Embleton, Redcliffe


  • Road

    Project type
  • $290 million

    Total budget
  • Under Construction

    Project phase
  • Main Roads WA

    Lead agency
  • 1050

    Jobs supported
  • Early 2020

    Start date

    Late 2024

    End date

Tonkin Highway is part of Perth’s Principal Road Freight Network that serves key activity centres such as Perth Airport and the Kewdale Freight Terminal.

Works are coming to completion, and revegetation will begin across the project in mid-2024.

This project will upgrade a section of the Tonkin Highway from Collier Road to Dunreath Drive with associated works enabling METRONET’s Morley-Ellenbrook Line.

Works as part of this project include:

  • additional traffic lanes in each direction between Collier Road and Dunreath Drive
  • new bridges over the Swan River, Guildford Road, Railway Parade and Dunstone Road
  • upgrades to the Guildford Road and Great Eastern Highway interchanges
  • a Principal Shared Path (PSP) with bridges, underpasses and local connections for cyclists and pedestrians
  • noise walls, lighting and amenity improvements

Additionally, a new Principle Shared Path (PSP) will be constructed on the western side of Tonkin Highway from north of Guildford Road interchange to Stanton Road with local connections.

For the latest construction updates and works information, visit the Main Roads Western Australia page. 


  • Address a major bottleneck on Tonkin Highway through Bayswater which carries more than 120,000 vehicles daily
  • Improved road safety and reduced congestion for all road users
  • Improved freight efficiency, connectivity and travel time
  • Removal of Guildford Road and Midland Rail crossings
  • Provision of a safe route for cyclists and pedestrians in the area and connection to Midland PSP
  • New lighting, wayfinding signs, pavement markings and landscaping

Project map

This map shows an aerial view of the project location.

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