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Midland Station New station project



  • Rail

    Project type
  • $239 million

    Total budget
  • Under Construction

    Project phase

    Lead agency
  • TBC More info

    Jobs supported
  • Mid 2023

    Start date


    End date

The new Midland Station will replace Midland’s current 53-year-old ageing station and will be relocated between Helena and Cale streets, bringing it closer to the heart of Midland, Midland Health Campus and the Workshops precinct.

The new Midland Station will allow a connection to the new railcar facility in Bellevue and will support safer movements through the area.

The new station will include three longer platforms, bus interchange and more parking, which will greatly improve public transport access to the growing area.


  • Improved access to the station and its services
  • Replace ageing rail infrastructure with a modern facility
  • Increased safety and efficiency for people and vehicles travelling in the area
  • Support and connect to the new railcar facility
  • Support Midland area’s revitalisation

Project map

This map shows an aerial view of the project location.

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