Armadale Line Transformation Rail improvements
Victoria Park, Carlisle, Welshpool, Queens Park, Cannington, Beckenham, Maddington, Gosnells, Kelmscott, Armadale, Byford, Thornlie, Canning Vale, Cockburn
Project type -
See associated projects
Total budget -
Under Construction
Project phase -
Lead agency -
See associated projects
Jobs supported -
Late 2023
Start dateMid 2025
End date
Elevated rail, new stations, level crossing removals, the extension of the line to Byford and Perth's first east-west cross line connection are set to completely transform travel along the Armadale Line.
Works are well underway and making great progress as the 130-year-old train line is being transformed through three significant METRONET projects: Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal, Thornlie-Cockburn Link, and Byford Rail Extension.
To enable work on these major projects, the Armadale and Thornlie lines are currently shut between Victoria Park and Armadale/Thornlie stations until mid-2025.
Trains continue to operate between Victoria Park and Perth stations during the shutdown, including Stadium Station on weekends, public holidays and event days. Seven new and five enhanced bus routes have been introduced to the bus network during the shutdown to support existing timetabled services. Visit the Transperth website for more information on services and bus routes.
Main Roads WA has released the new Traffic-ALT app to support commuters throughout the transformation. This can be downloaded via Google Play and the Apple App Store.
The Department of Transport in partnership with METRONET and the Public Transport Authority is collaborating with local governments and schools to deliver the Armadale Line Active Travel project. This program will provide the community with information, maps, resources and support to encourage them to walk, wheel or ride for local trips to school and for leisure during the shutdown.
Register for METRONET project updates.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is this shutdown happening?
The shutdown is currently underway until mid-2025.
Why is this extended shutdown happening?
The upgrades being made to the Armadale Line include the removal of 13 level crossings, construction of seven new stations and the addition of 5.5 km of Perth's first elevated rail.
The extended shutdown was carefully considered along with several alternative options, including multiple temporary and shorter shutdowns over a longer period of time.
It was determined shorter shutdowns could have prolonged the project and mean more disruption than necessary to passengers and the community.
The shutdown will effectively create a ‘greenfield site’ which will allow for a more efficient construction of the elevated rail, which delivers the project in a shorter timeframe and provides a safer environment for construction workers.
How can I prepare for this disruption?
Passengers are encouraged to sign up for My Alerts through My Account on the Transperth website or app.
During the shutdown:
- Allow extra travel time.
- If you can, travel outside of peak times.
- Plan your journey on the Transperth website or app or call the InfoLine on 13 62 13.
- Check where your closest bus stop is by following signage at stations or checking the Station Access Maps.
- Download the Main Roads WA Traffic-ALT app, via Google Play or the Apple App Store.
- If you require special assistance, please call 1800 800 022 at least one hour before you travel. -
How will Transperth services be impacted?
During the shutdown, there are no train services between Armadale/Thornlie and Victoria Park.
Train services will continue to operate between Victoria Park and Perth stations (noting that there is a three-day full line closure at the start of the shutdown).
Seven new and five enhanced bus routes have been introduced to the bus network to support existing timetabled services.
Transperth has conducted passenger surveys which have helped shape the services that will be provided as well as provide a greater understanding of the impact to the local road network.
For more information on affected services, bus routes, and other frequently asked questions, please visit the Transperth website.
Main Roads WA Traffic-ALT app
The Armadale/Thornlie Line is Transperth’s third busiest train line.
Even with a comprehensive bus network, priority bus lanes and other upgrades in place, travel times will be longer.
Main Roads WA has developed the app Traffic-ALT to support drivers during the Armadale Line Transformation.
The app is designed to run through a driver's hands-free phone or car stereo Bluetooth, and will provide audio updates on key information such as current traffic congestion, and travel times for different routes.
To download the Traffic-ALT app, visit Google Play or the Apple App Store.
How will Transwa services be impacted?
From Monday 20 November 2023 the Australind train was replaced by road coaches, which run twice a day in each direction.
The road coach replacements operate between Bunbury and East Perth Terminal, and include an all-stops and a limited-stop service.
The limited stop service allows passengers to transfer to the Mandurah Line at Kwinana Station and connect to the Perth CBD.
More information is available on the Transwa website.
How will the works impact nearby residents?
Residents who live along the Armadale and Thornlie lines may experience construction impacts as well as increased bus movements nearby.
Construction impacts may include noise, dust, vibration, increased light from temporary lighting and more heavy vehicles on local roads and near-site access points.
Specific works are confirmed and communicated to residents ahead of time, and every effort will be made to reduce impacts to nearby residents.
How will transport to Optus Stadium and other major events be managed?
Trains continue to operate between Victoria Park and Perth stations, including Stadium Station on weekends, public holidays and event days.
Changes to suburban event bus services will be necessary. Visit the Transperth website for more information.
Greater transport choice and seamless connections for Perth’s south-east communities to the Perth CBD, Optus Stadium and the wider metropolitan area
Modern stations and improved facilities
Increased safety and reduced traffic congestion for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists
New public open spaces and amenities for the community to enjoy
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Project map
Public transport disruptions
Armadale and Thornlie Line Shutdown
The Armadale and Thornlie Lines are shut until mid-2025 to facilitate the Victoria Park - Canning Level Crossing Removal, Byford Rail Extension and Thornlie-Cockburn link.
Starts: 20 Nov 2023 - 12:00am --- Ends: 2 Jun 2025 - 12:00am
Active travel options
City of Gosnells and City of Armadale
Your guide to walking, wheeling and riding in the City of Gosnells and City of Armadale. These maps identify walking and bike friendly routes as alternate ways to travel, particularly while works are underway. To access a mobile friendly version of this map or to find out more about the Armadale Line Active Travel initiative visit:
Town of Victoria Park and City of Canning
Your guide to walking, wheeling and riding in the Town of Victoria Park and City of Canning. These maps identify walking and bike friendly routes as alternate ways to travel, particularly while works are underway. To access a mobile friendly version of this map or to find out more about the Armadale Line Active Travel initiative visit:

Plan your journey
Avoid disruptions to your journey and plan your trip